Setup => General
Here you can enter the setup of your Authorization Box environment like your own Customer settings, Contracts, Database connections and Authorization Box users.
With the ‘Edit’ button (left top corner) you can change some of your Customer Settings.
Contact name : Name of the contact of the company
Contact Email Address : Email Address of the contact of the company
Contact Phone Number : Phone Number of the contact of the company
Company required in Authorization Requests : When you choose “Yes”, the system will check on Company in the Authorization Request
Authentication Method : Choose which method has to be used ("Basic" [with a username and password specific for the Authorization Box] or “Microsoft” [with your Microsoft account])
Multi-Factor Authentication : Choose if this has to be enabled (using Mail code) or disabled. Usually this is not enabled when Authentication with Microsoft has been chosen.
Shows the contract(s) with 2-Controlware. The number following “Contracts” shows the number of active contracts.
Application Name : The application a contract has been agreed upon
Start date : The starting date of the application contract
End date : The date the application contract will end
Extension Date : The date the application contract will have to be extended
Contract terminated : The date the application contract is (going to be) terminated
Characteristic : Any additional information regarding the application contract
Shows the number of database connections that are set up and (still) can be set up with the Authorization Box as per contract.
How to create a (new) database.
If the number of database connections exceeds 10, pagination is used for a better overview of the connections.
You can overwrite all current permissions in Business Central with the ones in the Authorization Box.
Activating this option, means that only the permissions assigned with an Organization role in the Authorization Box, without the ones only assigned in Business Central, will be valid for the Authorization Box activated users.
Open a Database(connection) and check the box "Default overwrite Current Permissions"
When saving, the system will ask if you want to perform this for all users.
When completed, you will have to use “Synchronize all” in this connection (in the drop down menu of the button 'Database').
Shows the number of Users that will be allowed to log in onto the Authorization Box as per contract and how many have already been assigned.
Changing the settings of the current User.
Adding users to the Authorization Box.
You can add a number of users that will be allowed to log in onto the Authorization Box as per contract.
Go to Setup => General and click on the fasttab “Users”.
Click on ‘New’ to set up a new user.
Enter the user’s Email address.
'Save & Close' : Saves the user and expands the page for more details
'Cancel' : Cancels adding a user and closes the page
After saving you have to enter the user details:
By choosing the correct Function Profile, you will grant that person specific rights in the Authorization Box.
The most common Profiles used are :
If you want to know what roles/rights are assigned to the specific Function Profiles, you can assign one to the user. The roles assigned through that Function Profile, are visible in the Fasttab “Roles” with a check mark.
In the fasttab “Databases”, click on ‘Select’ to grant the User access to Business Central database(s) by choosing the appropriate ones.
A checkmark will show up for the selected connections. To deselect a connection you have to click on it, and the selection (checkmark) will be removed.
If you have multiple database connections, it is possible to grant the user access to all at once by clicking on 'Select All' or to deny access to all connections at once for that user by clicking on 'Deselect All'.
‘Save’ : Saves assigning / changing access to connections for that user
'Cancel' : Cancels assigning / changing access to connections for that user
An added user will receive an email with a temporary password to log in. After first log in by this user, this password has to be changed.
An Authorization Box User has to have a Function Profile to have access to the functionality of the Authorization Box.
The Function Profile has certain roles assigned to it.
You can find the roles based on the Function Profile in the fasttab "Roles".
When a user tried to log in several times with a wrong password, this user will be locked out.
In the user overview it is possible to Unlock (or lock) the user.
Press on the ‘lock icon’ to lock or unlock the user.
Press on the 'reset icon' to reset the password. The user will receive an email with the new, temporary, password.
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) requires users to successfully complete two steps to access the Authorization Box.
It involves entering the username and password, including a confirmation code sent by email.
This provides additional control during the login process. When using MFA the user also needs access to that user's mail to be able to log in.
Go to Setup => General => Edit.
At the bottom of the customer card, choose the required Authentication Method and Multi-Factor Authentication.
With Authentication Method you have the following options:
With Multi-Factor Authentication you have the following options:
However, if you already have Multi Factor Authentication set for your Microsoft account, that setting still applies.
In these cases, the MFA in the Authorization Box is usually not enabled.
The Basic c/w disabled setting or Microsoft c/w disabled setting ensures that Multi Factor Authentication is not enabled.
You can activate / deactivate the MFA for the Authorization Box, per user, by toggling the button to on or off.
When you have chosen for Mail Code, you have the following options:
Enter your login details for the Authorization Box and click on ‘Login’.
You will receive an email with a confirmation code. This code will be valid only once.
When you log in again, you will receive a new mail with a new code.
In the input field as shown below, enter the code from the email.
Click on 'Save' and you proceed to log in to the Authorization Box.
On the login screen, click on the green button with 'Login with Microsoft'.
The Microsoft Office login screen will appear, where you have to enter you Microsoft email and password.
You will receive an email with a confirmation code. This code will be valid only once.
When you log in again, you will receive a new mail with a new code.
In the input field as shown below, enter the code from the email.
Click on 'Save' and you will proceed logging in to the Authorization Box.
!Note : After 30 minutes of inactivity, you will be logged out automatically.
How to set up the Approval settings, make yourself an Approver and how to create Approval Groups.
Go to Setup => Approval settings to set up the number of Approvers.
'Save & Close' : Saves the assigned number of approvers per category and closes the page.
‘Cancel’ : Cancels the changes made in the number of approvers per category and changes the settings to the previous settings.
Setup => Approvers shows an overview of approvers and the assigned Approval Type
To create a new Approver, click on 'New' in .
Depending on the Approval settings, changes in the framework must be approved.
After approval, the Authorization Box will process the change.
The following types of approval are available :
'Save & Close' : Saves the assignment(s) and closes the page.
'Cancel' : Cancels the assignment(s) and closes the page.
Approval Groups are a group of one or more Approvers that can be assigned to one or more Organization Roles.
When an Approval Group is assigned to an Organization Role, this will overrule the general Approval Settings for that specific role.
For instance: the number of approvers required for approval on an Authorization Request is generally 1, but an Approval Group is set to 2.
When an organization role gets this Approval Group assigned, the number of approvals will be derived of the Approval Group (2) instead of the general settings (1).
Go to Setup => Approval Groups.
To create a new Approval Group click on 'New'.
‘Save & Edit’ : Saves the Approval Group and expands the page for additional details to be filled in.
'Cancel' : Cancels the addition of the Approval Group and closes the page.
When the Approval Group is saved, you can add Approvers to the Group and the Organization Roles to this Group.
When an Approval Group has been made, you can add one or more Approvers to that Group by moving them from the left to the right column in the fasttab “Users”.
You can do this by double clicking on a user or by selecting a user and clicking on one of the arrow buttons pointing to the right.
When you have finished selecting the user(s) for that Group, click on ‘Save’ in that fasttab.
When an Approval Group has been made, you can add one or more Organization Roles to that Group by moving them from the left to the right column in the fasttab "Organization Roles".
You can do this by double clicking on a role or by selecting a role and clicking on one of the arrow buttons pointing to the right.
When you have finished selecting the role(s) for that Group, click on 'Save' in that fasttab.
When you added an Approval Group to an Organization Role, the “Number of approvers authorization request” for that Organization Role will be set to “Conform Approval Group” instead of “According to General Setup (Default)”.
You can manage and change your notification settings of the Authorization Box to your preferences.
Click in the upper right corner on your account and click on “Notification Settings”.
You will be prompted with an overview of all notification settings.
All notification settings are categorized.
The following categories are defined:
Choose “Yes” or “No” with the dropdown if you want to receive notifications in the Authorization Box and / or if you want to receive a notification email.
'Save & Close' : Saves the preferences and closes the page.
'Cancel' : Cancels the (changed) settings and closes the page.
At this moment, 2-Controlware has a Web API and an Authorization Request API to access our data.
You can access these through the following links :
Web API :
Authorization Request API :
The links to the Swagger documentation :
Swagger Web API :
Swagger Authorization Request API :
You can log on to the API with a Username and Password or with a Personal access token.
This user has to be granted a specific Function Profile (e.g. API User) to be able to access the API.
Which steps to take when using a Personal access token are described below.
When using a Username and Password you can simply go to the Swagger Web API page and use the “POST /api/Authenticate/Login”.
To get access to our API with a Bearer token, you will have to log into the Authorization Box and click on your name in the top right corner.
Click on “Personal access token”
In the following screen click on 'New'.
Fill in the user name and if you want this token to be valid for a period of time or if you don't want it to expire.
Click on 'Save'.
A pop-up appears with your Personal access token.
Copy it by clicking on the ‘Copy’ icon and click 'Close'.
In the Swagger Web API page scroll down to “Authenticate” and choose the “POST /api/Authenticate/AccessToken”.
Click on 'Try it out'.
Replace “string” with the user name (keep the quotation marks)
and replace the number after “token” with the token you just retrieved from the Authorization Box (keep the quotation marks).
Click on 'Execute'.
A Server response with Code 200 shows the Bearer token.
Copy this whole token shown in green.
In our sample picture below, the code is hidden but you need what is between the quotation marks.
Click on 'Authorize' on the top of the page.
As per description in the pop up, start the Value with “Bearer” and paste the code which was just generated.
Click on 'Authorize'.
The value will have been changed into ****** and you can now choose ‘Logout’ if you want to leave access to our API or ‘Close’ if you want to use start using Swagger.
The green “Authorize lock” shows it is locked.
You could use the Swagger documentation to get the number of Organization Roles right from the API by using the “GET /odata/OrgRolesPerUser/$count”.
When you click this option open, you can click on 'Try it out'
The possible response codes are also shown, some with an example response.
As there are no Parameters required for this request, you can now click on ‘Execute’.
You should now get a Server Response showing you the result.